Our skilled dentist may recommend dental veneers to give you the picture-perfect smile of your dreams. Your veneers are made from porcelain and carefully designed to help ensure that your final result will look and feel completely natural. Call Syracuse Family Dental at 801-776-2461 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Mason Segura and learn more about porcelain dental veneers in Syracuse, Utah.
Dental veneers are thin shells that cover the surface of a tooth to restore its outward appearance. These are a tried-and-true method of improving the look of your smile without having to undergo more invasive procedures. Veneers can be made of many different materials, but at our office, we use porcelain to help get you the most lifelike veneer possible.
Porcelain dental veneers generally take two appointments to place. At the first, our dentist will help you decide what shade of veneer would work best with your smile and will shave down a small amount of the tooth in order to find the best fit for the veneer. The veneer will then be made and shaped to the model created by our dentist. Once it is complete, you will come in again, and we will bond it to the tooth! Veneers are nonremovable, and with the proper care, they generally last around 10 years.
Ready to get started? Contact us today for your appointment!