Our experienced dentist and team provide emergency dental care in Syracuse, Utah, to get your smile back on track. If you experience a dental emergency, call Syracuse Family Dental at 801-776-2461 as soon as possible and our team will make arrangements for you to meet with Dr. Mason Segura and receive treatment. We will also provide instructions on what you should do until you arrive at our office.
A dental emergency needs immediate attention from a dental professional. Our team understands that dental emergencies cannot always be planned, so we will work to schedule you an appointment with our dentist as soon as possible. Please contact us as soon as you can as time can be a factor in being able to treat certain injuries. Until you can meet with our dentist and team, we will provide you instructions what to do to care for your injured smile.
The most common dental emergencies include:
- Severe tooth pain or severe or lasting toothaches
- A lost dental restoration, such as lost or broken filling or crown
- Damage to the soft tissues in your mouth (lips, tongue, cheeks, gums, etc.)
- A cracked, fractured or chipped tooth
- A partially or fully knocked-out tooth
If you have also experienced trauma to your head or neck, we advise that you visit the nearest emergency room to seek medical treatment before you visit our office to fix your smile. We invite you to contact our office today If you have any questions about emergency dentistry.